A Message from the Firm's Founder and Managing Attorney:
History & Mission
Our History
I grew up in Plano, Texas and watched the fields transform into subdivisions and office parks. Collin County’s growth increased the need for legal services, and the Ternan Law Firm, PLLC was founded to address the increasingly complex legal problems of my community. After founding the Firm, I discovered that Collin County is not the only place in Texas facing growing legal needs, particularly in regard to appellate work. Accordingly, I expanded the service area of the Firm to include additional cities in Texas.
Our Mission
I believe the sophistication of the communities we serve should be reflected in the caliber of our lawyers, and the Ternan Law Firm strives to bring big city legal services to our big cities. I also founded the Ternan Law Firm to offer clients an atypical business model for their legal needs. The Firm seeks to combine new technologies, lower operating costs, and "of counsel" relationships between lawyers to deliver high quality legal services at competitive prices while aligning the needs of the Firm's clients with the needs of the Firm's professionals.